Bing Search Advertising
Ideal for extending your the reach of your online advertising
What is Bing Search Advertising? Bing Search Advertising involves the use of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising systems to display adverts on Bing search engine results pages (SERPs) alongside the organic results. The adverts are triggered by specific search terms, over which you have control, meaning that your ads are only seen by potential customers interested in the goods and services that your business offers.
Ideal for sales or lead generation, as opposed to more general brand awareness campaigns, Bing Search Advertising reaches the customer when they are most likely to make a purchase.
Bing Ads
PPC advertising systems aren’t limited to Google AdWords. Although Google has over 90% of UK search traffic, Bing Ads can also be used for successful search advertising alongside AdWords. Bing Ads is the PPC system operated by Microsoft on the Bing search engine, which means it has a growing audience as Windows 10 rolls out.
The benefits of Search Advertising using Bing Ads:
- Bing is seeing a significant growth in traffic due to its pre-installation on Windows 10 and Microsoft Edge
- It is easy to use alongside Google AdWords, making it a useful extension to widen reach
- Because Bing attracts an older, higher income and more sophisticated demographic, the average Bing user spends 32% more money online than the average Google user
- It increases your sales by increasing your online visibility to a different market when you have exhausted your reach with Google AdWords
How Optillion can help you with Bing Search Advertising
Search Advertising is much more effective at generating sales when it is judiciously managed. At Optillion, we have the specialist skills to help you to make the most of your Bing Ads alongside your AdWords.
Optillion’s specialisms within Search Advertising include:
- Writing the text ads that appear on SERPs
Your business is charged per click, therefore ads must be both compelling and discriminate to ensure that only potential customers click through.
- Keyword choice
We can help you to choose the most appropriate keywords and match types. We then further refine your keywords based on data from real searches. Although there is a commonality, Bing Ads keyword choices may vary from AdWords. For example, you might need to use broader keywords to account for the lower search volumes.
- Analysis
In the early stages of an AdWords campaign, frequent analysis and adjustment is required. We therefore advise that you allow significant time to elapse before evaluating the potential performance of your campaign.
Our Bing Search Advertising services can be tailored to needs of your business.